Biodiversity Management in Hydropower
Learn at your own pace and place
Hydropower projects inevitably impact ecosystems, sometimes far downstream, making responsible biodiversity management crucial for sustainable development. This online course provides an in-depth understanding of biodiversity management in hydropower in alignment with the Hydropower Sustainability Standard.
Participants will explore best practices for identifying, mitigating, and monitoring biodiversity impacts throughout the hydropower project lifecycle. The course features interactive content, real-world case studies, and practical methodologies to support effective
biodiversity management.
By completing this course, you will develop the knowledge and skills needed to align hydropower projects with global sustainability standards, ensuring positive
biodiversity outcomes.
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Learn how hydropower projects impact ecosystems, identify key biodiversity risks, and explore opportunities for conservation.
Understand how to integrate biodiversity considerations into project design through environmental flows, fish passage solutions, and biodiversity action planning.
Prepare and implement biodiversity management plans in alignment with international sustainability best practices.
Project managers, sustainability teams, and engineers responsible for integrating biodiversity management into project design, construction, and operations
Experts conducting biodiversity assessments, developing mitigation plans, and ensuring compliance with international sustainability standards
Government agencies and regulators involved in environmental approvals, biodiversity conservation, and policy development
Civil society and NGOs advocating for biodiversity protection and responsible hydropower development
Hello from your trainers
Course outline, objectives and structure
How to navigate the platform
Lesson 1: Important biodiversity concepts
Activity 1: Biodiversity terms and definitions
Lesson 2: Hydropower impacts on biodiversity
Activity 2: Identify biodiversity impacts
Lesson 3: Mitigation hierarchy
Activity 3: IUCN Red List
Quiz: Module 1 review
Lesson 4: Introduction to the HS Standard
Activity 4: HS Standard terms and definitions
Lesson 5: Reporting templates
Activity 5A: Scope and Principle statements
Activity 5B: Becoming familiar with reporting templates
Lesson 6: Scoring methodology
Activity 6: Find the gap
Lesson 7: Gap significance
Activity 7: Judging gap significance
Quiz: Module 2 review
Lesson 8: Biodiversity activities in project life cycle
Activity 8: Match biodiversity activity to the project stage
Lesson 9: Biodiversity performance requirements
Activity 9A: Minimum requirements
Activity 9B: Advanced requirements
Quiz: Module 3 review
Lesson 10: Planning and assessment methodologies
Activity 10: Applying planning and assessment methodologies
Lesson 11: Integrating biodiversity into hydropower design
Activity 11: Applying design methodologies
Lesson 12: Managing implementation and operation
Activity 12: Applying methodologies for implementation and operation
Case studies: Best practice in biodiversity management
Quiz: Module 4 review
Final Quiz
Congratulations and next steps
Closing survey
This course explores different elements of managing biodiversity impacts throughout the hydropower project lifecycle, focusing on assessment, design, and implementation. You will read relevant case studies and complete activities to understand how to achieve good and best international industry practice.
Yes! We encourage professionals with all levels of knowledge and experience to take the course.
Yes! Participants who successfully complete all lessons, activities and quizzes will receive a certificate of completion from the Hydropower Sustainability Alliance.
The cost of the training is €500 + VAT per participant. HSA and IHA members are eligible for a 10% discount.